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Donal Skehan gets a taste of Concern’s work in Malawi

Food writer, photographer and TV presenter Donal Skehan with 'lead mothers' who are trained by Concern Wolrdwide on nutrition and teach women in the Kachere Care Group about how to make a nutritious meal for their families with five major food groups. Location: Kaigwanga Village, Mchinji, Malawi. Photo: Jennifer Nolan / Concern Worldwide.
Donal Skehan visiting communities in Malawi that are supported by Concern. Photo: Jennifer Nolan / Concern Worldwide.
News7 November 2016Sadhbh Goodhue

Award-winning food writer, food photographer and TV presenter, Donal Skehan, is currently in Malawi to witness the work Concern is doing to improve people’s lives there.

With a population of around 16 million people, Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. Hunger and malnutrition are serious issues, exacerbated by a dependency on subsistence farming and a vulnerability to food crises caused by climate change.

Concern has been working in the country since 2002 with a range of holistic programmes, designed to address the many issues contributing to suffering and poverty in the country.

While in Malawi, Donal has been getting a taste (sometimes literally!) of the work we’re doing there. He is also getting a glimpse of how the Irish public has been doing their bit – through the Concern Christmas Gifts programme – to help families in Malawi improve their lives and prospects.

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  • Half the population of Gaza facing famine

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  • Over 50,000 children under age of 5 acutely malnourished

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