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Why are we in Lebanon? Concern began working in Lebanon in 2013, following a massive influx of refugees fleeing the deteriorating situation in neighboring Syria. Since then, we have been responding to the ever-increasing humanitarian needs of approximately 780,000 Syrian refugees and their Lebanese host communities. 


Lebanon is dealing with one of the worst financial crises in over a century

Already home to some 5.5 million people, Lebanon at its peak hosted an additional 1.5 million Syrian refugees - meaning that the country’s population grew by more than 25%. Today, Syrian refugees still make up approximately 12% of Lebanon’s population, and in many host communities there remains competition for affordable housing, decent work, and basic services. 

Moreover, an economic crisis that began in 2019 continues to worsen, influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Beirut port explosion, and the conflict in Ukraine. With unemployment and inflation on the rise against the depreciating Lebanese pound, thousands of families have fallen deeper into debt and both private and public service are struggling to meet the ever-increasing need. For the most vulnerable families, this may also lead to negative coping mechanisms including child labour, child marriage, and reduced food consumption. 

Latest achievements


COVID-19 prevention

As of June 2020, Concern’s COVID-19 response reached 3,098 individuals through awareness-raising sessions and distribution of hygiene kits. Concern also rehabilitated an isolation facility for COVID-19 cases.


Psychosocial support



Concern staff member, Abdulrahman Rima, in a clown costume with Syrian children during Global Water Day in a playground in North Lebanon. Photo: AbdulRahman Rima / Concern Worldwide
World Water Day celebrations for Syrian children. Photo: AbdulRahman Rima / Concern Worldwide.
Concern staff organising the distribution of new tent kits (including wood, plastic sheeting etc) to families whose homes were recently burnt down. The tents are going to be built on this field, in Northern Lebanon. Photograph by Mary Turner/Panos Pictures for Concern Worldwide
A distribution of new tent kits in Northern Lebanon. Photo: Mary Turner / Concern Worldwide.
Syrian refugees planting flowers to represent the main topic of the event this year which is the link between water and nature. Photo: Nahed Mansour/Concern Worldwide.
Syrian children planting flowers on World Water Day. Photo: Nahed Mansour/Concern Worldwide.
Syrian women receive training in cheese-making at a dairy co-op in Northern Lebanon. Photo: Jason Kennedy / Concern Worldwide.
Syrian women receive training at a co-op in Lebanon. Photo: Jason Kennedy / Concern Worldwide.
In the space of just two weeks, storms ‘Norma’ and ‘Miriam’ have brought torrential rain, freezing winds and snow to Lebanon, leaving Syrian refugee settlements under flood water. Storm damage to settlements pictured. Concern staff member Amani Sahmarani distributes emergency supplies including shelter and hygiene kits to Syrian families affected by the flooding. Photo: Concern Worldwide.
A distribution of emergency supplies to Syrian families affected by floods. Photo: Concern Worldwide.

How we're helping Lebanon

We are working hard to alleviate suffering for both refugees and over-stretched host communities in Lebanon through shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene awareness, livelihoods, education, and protection activities. Every programme includes the crosscutting themes of protection, equality, and inclusion.

People gather with jerrycans and other containers to collect water from a tanker cistern in Deir el-Balah in the central Gaza Strip

Gaza Crisis Appeal

  • Half the population of Gaza facing famine

  • 1.9 million people displaced

  • Over 50,000 children under age of 5 acutely malnourished

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