Read our 2023 annual report

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This conference marked 20 years since CMAM was first piloted by Concern in Ethiopia. The conference sought to examine the barriers that are still – despite much progress – preventing acutely malnourished children from receiving the care they need, and to identify how CMAM can be adapted further to overcome those challenges.
In 2019 an estimated 47 million children were wasted. Just over a quarter of that number (11 million) had received treatment but figures suggest a staggering 35 million children are still not getting the treatment needed to prevent them from dying or facing disability for the rest of their lives as a result of acute malnutrition.
While not all of the problems facing us 20 years on from the inception of CMAM are new, many of them have intensified over the last two decades. And in the last year we’ve had the COVID-19 pandemic which has exposed the vulnerability of global and regional food and health systems. The CMAM conference comes at an urgent time for the treatment of child malnutrition and gives a chance for experts in the field to adapt the model to changing contexts and improve efficiency.
Reports & reading
READ: Full Conference Report
Preparing for Scale: conference publications
Watch: Opening Address by Minister Colm Brophy
Watch: CMAM 20 years on
An overview of the history of CMAM over the last 20 years with an introduction by John Traecy, Chairperson of the Concern Worldwide Board of Directors.
Conference sessions
Day 1: Monday 22 March
Where are we now & what still needs to be done?
Full session playlist from Day One
Day 2: Tuesday 23 March
Overview of adaptations: are they ready to scale?
Full session playlist from Day Two
Day 3: Wednesday 24 March
Barriers and enablers to scale up: government perspectives
Full session playlist from Day Three
Day 4: Thursday 25 March
Other critical issues for wasting management, conference summary, and next steps
Full session playlist from Day Four
Conference case studies (English versions)
Conference case studies (French versions)
Contact us
Additional queries or requests for information can be emailed to Kate Golden, Concern Worldwide.