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Moussa Zouéra, the Chief Nursing Officer at a health clinic in NigerMoussa Zouéra, the Chief Nursing Officer at a health clinic in NigerMoussa Zouéra, the Chief Nursing Officer at a health clinic in Niger

Health and Nutrition

Health and Nutrition

Why health and nutrition? Our goal of ending extreme poverty can only be achieved by tackling poverty’s root causes – and top among them are poor public health and nutritional deficiencies.

For most of our more than 50 years in operation, we have been leading the way with sector-defining programmes that are changing people’s lives for the better. 

We work towards the survival and wellbeing of the world's most vulnerable communities, while ensuring they obtain the knowledge and resources to keep themselves and their families healthy and nourished.

In many of the countries we work in the health systems are extremely weak and communities are often unable to get the help they need to prevent suffering from under-nutrition and preventable diseases.

To help overcome this, we work with local and national governments to strengthen healthcare systems and improve access to good maternal and child healthcare and water and sanitation services.

Children washing hands at tap installed by Concern
The borehole water system, powered by solar panels, was implemented by Concern Worldwide and sustains 460 households in Naoros village. Photo: Natalia Jidovanu/Concern Worldwide
Halimo Hassan (1 year and 2 months) and mother Khayro Ali Hassan (30) in a remote health centre in Filtu, Somali Region. Halimo is being treated for severe acute malnutrition with the support of International NGO Concern Worldwide. Photo: Jennifer Nolan/ Concern Worldwide.
Halimo Hassan (1) in a health centre in Filtu. Photo: Jennifer Nolan / Concern Worldwide.
Woman smiling after receiving water at community clinic in Bangladesh
A beneficiary has come to receive service at Baruikhali Community Clinic. Under the CRAAIN project, with its consortium NGOs, Concern Worldwide has rehabilitated the clinic to install Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) facilities. The clinic has safe drinking water, a clean latrine, and handwash facilities. Photo: Mohammad Rakibul Hasan/Concern Worldwide
Concern's Dr Imtiaz in clinic in Cox's Bazar
Dr Imtiaz is the in-charge of the Stabilization Centre,, Nayapara, Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar. Photo: Saikat Mojumder/Concern Worldwide
Jhumur Akter Moni receiving nutrition service from Shikha for her daughter Tasmia
Jhumur Akter Moni (25) is receiving nutrition service from Shikha (right) for her daughter Tasmia (14 month). Photo: Emdadul Islam Bitu/Concern Worldwide

A closer look at health and nutrition programmes

Here are just some of the ways our health and nutrition programming is helping to change lives around the world.


For more than 20 years now, our Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) approach to tackling acute malnutrition has been extremely effective, so much so that it has become the preferred approach for tackling malnutrition internationally.

The central principle of CMAM is to treat malnourished children in their homes. As a result, it reaches more children and reduces the risks and expenses in travel for carers, malnourished children and their siblings.

Children who have been admitted to our programme are provided with weekly medical treatment and given one week's supply of therapeutic food. This micronutrient-enriched food is the key to success.

Now, the CMAM Surge approach is based on the observation that in many contexts, the number of children seeking treatment for acute malnutrition peaks during certain months of the year.

These seasonal ‘surges’ in demand are driven by many overlapping factors, including, for example, the pre-harvest hunger gap, increased incidence of malaria or diarrhoea during the rainy season, women’s workload patterns and movements associated with grazing livestock.

Maternal and newborn health


HIV treatment and prevention

People gather with jerrycans and other containers to collect water from a tanker cistern in Deir el-Balah in the central Gaza Strip

Gaza Crisis Appeal

  • Half the population of Gaza facing famine

  • 1.9 million people displaced

  • Over 50,000 children under age of 5 acutely malnourished

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