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Core Humanitarian Standard Certification report

Last updated:
24 July 2017
Concern Worldwide
Core Humanitarian Standard

Accountability is at the very core of everything we do in Concern at all levels, across our 25 countries of operation. From our programmes in Liberia to our headquarters in Ireland, we are committed to achieving the highest possible standards of good governance and accountability.

Jenny Swatton Claver Kubuhungu and Felicite Ndikiyuro at the CRM sign. Photographer: Rosaleen Martin
Jenny Swatton Claver Kubuhungu and Felicite Ndikiyuro at the CRM sign. Photographer: Rosaleen Martin

In recognition of our commitment to accountability, Concern Worldwide was certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) in October 2017. The CHS is an internationally recognised standard which outlines what good humanitarian action looks like for people affected by crisis, and organisations involved in a response. The standard facilitates greater accountability to communities and people affected by crisis.

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