Read our 2023 annual report

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Final evaluation of the sustainable and equitable wealth creation in Amuria programme in Uganda
This report summarises the overall objectives and findings of the five year Comic Relief funded ‘Sustainable and Equitable Wealth Creation in Amuria’ programme in Uganda. The programme ran from January 2010 to December 2014 and reached approximately 4,800 households.
The programme used a multifaceted agricultural approach to better livelihoods: improving seeds and production techniques; introducing a livestock project with draught power and improved sheep, goat and chicken cross breeding components; creating collective market practices and a village savings and loan association (VSLA).
A disaster risk reduction component was built into the programme in the form of diversification of crops and incomes — enabling farmers to continue to thrive in the face of climate based challenges.
The programme excelled in empowering highly vulnerable households to increase their food production, even throughout ‘drought’ years, which enabled them to invest in healthcare and education as well as alternative means of income generation.
The evaluator wrote: "This project has demonstrated a remarkable level of sustainable livelihoods in the post conflict and highly vulnerable households with which it has worked. It has also had remarkably strong positive knock on effects within many neighbouring households, who have spontaneously copied many of the improved agricultural and post harvest innovations disseminated. The advocacy and decision influencing approach is outstanding and donors and partners are urged to consider replicating this advocacy model globally.
This report and its detailed recommendations should be seen as small tweaks to an already successful approach, and should be read with these extremely positive overall statements in mind."
This publication covers aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of Comic Relief. The ideas, opinions and comments therein are entirely the responsibility of its author(s) and do not necessarily represent or reflect Comic Relief policy.