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Protecting the biodiversity of the Sundarbans in Bangladesh
The Sundarbans in Bangladesh is the largest mangrove forest in the world, which is facing the risk of climate change impacts.
The Sundarbans Development and Alternative Resources Integration (SUNDARI) project is being implemented by Concern Worldwide, Bangladesh. The primary aim of the SUNDARI project is to improve the biodiversity of the Sundarbans through reducing human pressure on Sundarbans Reserve Forest (SRF) resources.
This book captures the experiences of the SUNDARI project initiatives as documented by the end line analysis. The success stories and achievements conveyed in the chapters reflect the lessons emerged from the project interventions to establish a community based conservation model.
This document covers humanitarian aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.