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Tá Acmhainní Teagaisc Concern Worldwide Ar Fáil i nGaeilge Anois

Tá acmhainní oideachais i gcomhair bunscoileanna agus meánscoileanna a chruthaigh clár Concern Worldwide ar Shaoránacht Ghníomhach ar fáil i nGaeilge anois den chéad uair.
Tá aistrithe go Gaeilge anois ábhar don seomra ranga i gcomhair múinteoirí agus daltaí ar na Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe agus ar cheisteanna daonnúla domhanda agus is féidir iad a íoslódáil ó shuíomh gréasáin Concern nó ríomhphost a chur chuig an bhfoireann Saoránachta Gníomhaí .
“Le blianta beaga anuas, tá réimse leathan d’acmhainní oideachais saor in aisce forbartha ag clár scoile Concern agus táimid ar bís roinnt dár n-acmhainní móréilimh a chur ar fáil i nGaeilge den chéad uair don bhliain acadúil 2020/2021,” a dúirt Noeleen Doyle, feidhmeannach tiomsaithe Scoileanna agus Óige ag Concern Active.
Le linn na bliana acadúla 2019/2020 íoslódáladh na leaganacha Béarla níos mó ná míle uair agus cuireadh amach 900 cruachóip chuig scoileanna.
Ceann de na hacmhainní nua seo is ea Duine Mar Mé, leabhar maisithe do pháistí a bhfuil gradam buaite aige ina bhfuil scéalta ochtar páistí atá buailte ag cogaidh, tubaistí nádúrtha agus fíorbhochtaineacht. Tá treoirleabhar múinteora leis chomh maith le closleaganacha agus dhá chur i láthair bunaithe ar dhá scéal atá sa leabhar.
Aistríodh go Gaeilge freisin póstaeir agus acmhainní bunaithe ar na Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe – tacar de 17 aidhm atá ann le go mbainfear amach todhchaí níos fearr níos inbhuanaithe do chách faoi 2030.
Dúirt Ms Doyle, “Beidh fáil ag múinteoirí i nGaelscoileanna anois ar níos mó acmhainní saor in aisce faoin Ocras, Athrú Aeráide agus Comhionannas Inscne a bhfuil nasc acu leis na Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe. Ní hamháin go bhfuil siad seo áisiúil do ranganna na hidirbhliana ach cuidíonn siad le feasacht ar cheisteanna tábhachtacha domhanda a mhéadú i measc phobal na scoile i gcoitinne”.
Tá Hunger Heroes ar fáil as Gaeilge freisin. Clár do dhaltaí bunscoile atá ann a dhíríonn ar an ngaol idir cur amú bia agus an t-ocras. Tá pleananna ceachta, cás-staidéir agus gníomhaíochtaí ranga sa phacáiste acmhainní.
Mar gheall ar Covid19 agus na srianta a ghabhann leis tá cúrsaí athruithe anois d’fhoireann Concern Active. Don bhliain acadúil 2020/21 beidh gach clár scoile amhail Concern Debates, Speak Act Do chomh maith le ceardlanna World Day ar líne. Is féidir cainteanna agus ceardlanna fíorúla ar líne a eagrú do scoileanna agus ranganna ach dul i dteagmháil le foireann Concern Active.
is féidir na hacmhainní Gaeilge a íoslódáil ó concern.net nó ríomhphost a chur chuig an bhfoireann Saoránachta Gníomhaí ag resources@concern.net.

Concern Worldwide’s Teaching Resources Now Available in Irish
Educational resources created by Concern Worldwide’s Active Citizenship programme for primary and secondary schools are now available in Irish for the first time.
Posters, a book, and educational programmes around the sustainable development goals and global humanitarian issues have been translated into Irish and can be downloaded via Concern’s website or by emailing the Concern Active Citizenship team.
“Concern’s School Programme has developed a wide range of free development education resources in the last number of years and we are excited to make many of our most popular resources available in Irish for the first time for the 2020/2021 school year,” said Noeleen Doyle, Schools and Youth fundraising executive at Concern Active.
During the 2019/2020 academic year, the English language versions were downloaded over a thousand times, with 900 hard copies sent out to schools.
Someone Like Me, an award-winning illustrated children's book that tells the stories of eight children affected by war, natural disaster and extreme poverty, is one of the newly available resources in Irish. It is accompanied by a teacher’s guide, along with audio versions and PowerPoint presentations of two of the stories featured.
Posters and resources around the Sustainable Development Goals - a set of 17 aims to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all by 2030 - have been translated into Irish too.
Ms Doyle said, “Teachers in Gaelscoileanna will now have access to more free resources around important issues such as Hunger, Climate Change and Gender Equality which link to the Sustainable Development Goals. These are particularly useful for TY classes but also help raise awareness about important global issues among the general school population”.
Hunger Heroes; a programme for primary school students which focuses on the link between food waste and hunger in the world is also available in Irish. The resource pack contains lesson plans, case studies and classroom activities.
Covid19 and the restrictions around it has also meant change for the Concern Active team. For the academic year 2020/21 all schools programmes such as Concern Debates, Speak Act Do as well as World Day workshops will go online. Virtual online talks and workshops can be arranged for schools and classes by contacting the Concern Active team.
Irish language resources can be downloaded via concern.net or by emailing the Concern Active team on resources@concern.net.
For media queries contact Eilis Staunton, Media Relations Officer, on 085 872 0720 or eilis.staunton@concern.net
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