Read our 2023 annual report

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Maintaining the safety and protection of the communities with whom we work and of our staff is of primary importance to Concern.
We are a signatory to the Statement of Commitment on Eliminating Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN and Non-UN Personnel and to the Red Cross Code of Conduct.
Concern places particular emphasis on standards of behaviour that we expect from our staff, visitors to our programmes and those of our local partner staff. To this end we have the Concern Code of Conduct (CCoC) and Associated Policies i.e. Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy and Child Safeguarding Policy. These policies were reviewed in 2018 and a comprehensive roll out of the updated policies was delivered to all our staff who were asked to recommit to upholding them. These policies are reflected in all aspects of our daily work and set out the standards of behaviour expected from all employees in relation to each other, our programme participants and other relevant parties.
We have a Complaints Response Mechanism and are committed to investigating allegations of behaviour in breach of the above policies. All complaints are investigated, following established investigation guidelines, and where substantiated, disciplinary action is taken, up to and including dismissal.
In 2018 we further strengthened our commitment to safeguarding through the establishment of a dedicated Safeguarding Office led by our Head of Safeguarding. This office oversees the implementation of our safeguarding policies and procedures with the aim of ensuring that programme participants, including children, staff, and all who come into contact with Concern’s work are protected from any form of exploitation and abuse.
Our Child Safeguarding Statement, which you can view below, has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2015, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017), and TUSLA’s Child Safeguarding a Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice. As part of this, a risk assessment has been completed for all activities in the Republic of Ireland with procedures developed to support our intention to safeguard children while they are availing of the Active Citizenship services (such as schools debates, off site workshops and trips).
View our Child Safeguarding Statement