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Concern has a valued relationship with KPMG. Over the past number of years, KMPG has generously helped to transform the lives of the world’s poorest people and supported our operations in Ireland.

Corporate funding for disaster relief

KPMG has 1,207,050 staff in 155 countries and over the past few years, these employees have raised over €16 million for disaster relief. Thanks to our corporate partnership, Concern has been eligible to apply for the disaster relief funds raised by KPMG. These funds have greatly supported our emergency and humanitarian work.

Supporting women in Haiti

KPMG has also supported a Concern programme for women in Haiti called “Pathway to a Better Life”. The programme offered women in remote, rural areas the opportunity to earn money in their own community. With funding from KPMG, we provided practical training in specific business skills as well as marketing and general business skills. We also provided advice on managing household budgets, how to save and how to take control of personal finances.

Christela Louis inside the bakery, supported by Concern, where she has worked since May. Christela is confident that through working here, she will be able to grow her business and start saving money. Photo: Kristin Myers / Concern Worldwide.
Christela Louis inside the bakery, supported by Concern, where she has worked since May. Photo: Kristin Myers / Concern Worldwide.
The bakery (supported by Concern) that opened in May. It employs 33 women who were trained in baking and nutrition. Photo: Kristin Myers / Concern Worldwide.
The bakery (supported by Concern) that opened in May. It employs 33 women who were trained in baking and nutrition. Photo: Kristin Myers / Concern Worldwide.

Far reaching partnership

As part of KPMG’s relationship with Concern, the company has provided pro-bono audit services. Over the past couple of years, they have sent staff members on secondment to work in our overseas offices, carrying out specific auditing tasks. They have also encouraged staff to organise fundraising events to support our work.

A woman tends to crops in a field

Partner with Concern

  • Concern has been supporting the world's most vulnerable communities for more than 55 years

  • We're committed to being transparent about how money is spent - 90.3% of your donation goes directly to our relief and development work

  • What we deliver collaboratively can improve employee engagement and meet aligned priorities and values

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Our impact in 2023

15.5 M icon
15.5 M

people reached through our emergency response

9 M icon
9 M

people reached through our health interventions

2.3 M icon
2.3 M

people reached through our livelihoods programmes

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