Read our 2023 annual report

Knowledge Hub
Irish Aid is the Irish Government's overseas development programme, as funded by the Irish taxpayer. Concern and Irish Aid have a long-standing partnership focused on our common goals of tackling extreme poverty and reducing humanitarian need.
Irish Aid is one of Concern’s largest and most valued institutional donors. With the €31 million Irish Aid provided to our programmes in 2023, Concern supported over 2 million people.
In Ireland, Irish Aid also supports Concern to engage the Irish public through awareness-raising and development education. Through initiatives such as Project Us and the Concern Debates, we support members of the Irish public to become active Global Citizens and build an understanding of Ireland’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Current partnership with Irish Aid
In 2023, Concern and Irish Aid began a new partnership phase. This phase will reach over six million people in 21 countries and enhance Concern's efforts in health, livelihoods, education, gender, and emergency response. Check out the 'What We Do' section below to learn more about Concern's work in these areas.
What we do
Real stories
*The contents of this page are the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Irish Aid.

Other ways to help
Corporate support
Is your company interested in working together for a common cause?

Fundraise for Concern
From mountain trekking to marathon running, cake sales to table quizzes, there are lots of ways you can support our work.
Buy a gift
With an extensive range of alternative gifts, we have something to suit everybody.
Leave a gift in your will
Leave the world a better place with a life-changing legacy.
Volunteer with Concern
The lots of ways to get involved with our work as a volunteer
School fundraising
Without the generous support from schools, we wouldn't be able to do the work that we do.