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Knowledge Hub
Engaging Men and Women to promote Gender Equality
Breaking the Barriers Facilitator Manual
Together with Sonke Gender Justice, Concern has developed a facilitator manual to engage men and women in a gender transformative process and to take steps to improve our gender programming.
This manual is used at country programme level with Concern staff, and in some programmes later adapted to be used at community level by our staff. The manual is subdivided into four sections including:
- Gender transformative activities covering the themes of gender roles, power, violence, healthy relationships
- Enabling change
- Gender transformative programming
- Community mobilisation approaches
This manual is available in both English and French below.
Engaging Men on Gender Equality - Learning from Concern's Programming and Practice

This learning paper gives an overview of Concern's experience of implementing Engaging Men programmes across a range of countries including Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Lebanon, Mozambique, Uganda, Malawi and Niger from 2012 to 2017. It examines our approach and shares the results obtained, as well as the challenges encountered and the recommendations for taking Engaging Men programming forward.