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The sustainability of Concern's WASH programming in Tanzania – 2014 evaluation
This report is an evaluation of the short, medium and long term sustainability of Concern’s WASH programme in the Kagera Region of northwest Tanzania in 2014.

During the visit 17 hand pump water points (WPs) installed by Concern and their local partners were evaluated with respect to the sustainability of the installed infrastructure, the water point user committee and backstopping support.
The evaluation found that "the number of hand dug wells installed and committees set up in the region over the past 7 years by Concern’s WASH programmes is impressive. The process by which communities were selected, their subsequent sensitisation and involvement with regards to the water point location and construction, and training of water point committees all seemed to be carefully thought out and well executed in general, with the aim to ensure the sustainability of the water points. In addition, the choice of Nira hand pump used for the programmes had been critically chosen to ensure that the technology would be robust, easy to maintain and have access to spare parts (being manufactured in Tanzania)."
This document covers humanitarian aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union and charity:water. The views expressed herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the donors, and the donors are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.