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Water and Environmental Health in Katanga – Final Evaluation 2011
This report is the final evaluation of the Katanga water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programme, implemented by Concern in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from 2010 – 2011. The programme aimed to support the post conflict affected communities of Katanga to achieve sustainable improvements regarding health and hygiene.
The evaluation found that working from an extremely low baseline, the programme had a substantial impact in the targeted communities across the territories, improving access to clean water, and hygiene knowledge – which resulted in a large increase in sanitation coverage in targeted communities, where households built their own latrines, from locally available materials.
This publication covers aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of several donors, including Irish Aid, Bank of Ireland, JOAC, UNDP Pooled funds, and UNICEF. The ideas, opinions and comments herein are entirely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent or reflect the policies of any donors.