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Second earthquake hits Nepal

A 7.3 magnitude earthquake has struck Nepal today about 300km north of Kathmandu, in a remote area near Mount Everest.
This is the second earthquake to strike Nepal since a 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed more than 7,000 and devastated the region. Read RTÉ news report
Damage assessment
Our team on the ground is undertaking a fresh assessment of the damage in order to respond to this new earthquake. Reports are already coming in that landslides have cut off roads, making remote communities inaccessible. It is anticipated that the primary needs will be shelter, clean water and hygiene kits. Shelter will be the main priority as monsoon season looms.

Image Credit: (L) Bhrikuti Rai & (R) Doctors for Nepal.
Team on the ground
As of today, the Concern team has been working to deliver emergency relief to 14,000 families affected by the original 7.8 earthquake on 25 April.
Two major quakes in Nepal today - 7.4 and 6.3. Reports of further destruction coming in. @concern team in Nepal have checked in safe
— Ros O'Sullivan (@rososull) May 12, 2015
7.4 magnitude earthquake followed by a 6.3 in Nepal. That was a biggie. All @Concern team are OK
— Dom Hunt (@concern_dom) May 12, 2015
Further landslides and destruction. Makes tomorrows @Concern planned distributions of shelter and other materials even more important.
— Kirk Prichard (@KirkPrichard) May 12, 2015
In an area called Bhirkot in Dolakha Nepal. Heavy shaking continues and many homes seem to have collapsed. #NepalEarthquake @concern
— Kieran McConville (@kjmcconville) May 12, 2015
Twitter updates
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You can help
The Irish public has already generously donated over €900,000 to the Nepal Earthquake appeal. But we still need your help. Please donate today.